MARINA DEL REY, Calif. – September 8th, 2008 – Recognizing the importance of access to reliable information about what to do following a sexual assault, Guidance has worked with the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center to reconfigure its website – 911rape.org– adding a new section on DNA forensic evidence, and making it easier to update the entire site as needed with the most current information available.
Victims of rape or sexual assault have a host of immediate needs, including obtaining support from a trained counselor, medical care and evidence collection services. It is critical that they have access to current information about what to do and what to expect as they take their first steps toward recovery.
911rape.org is a resource for victims of rape and sexual assault, and often is the first place someone will turn to when searching for advice or information about their options and how to get help. For the site’s managers, having an easy-to-use content management solution provides more than just organizational efficiency: it’s an essential part of the center’s core treatment, education and prevention programs.
"There’s a time element involved – we need to give survivors accurate, reliable information so they can make informed decisions about medical treatment, reporting the crime, preserving evidence and taking other actions that will help them heal,” said Gail Abarbanel, LCSW and Rape Treatment Center founder and director. “The state of forensic evidence collection is always evolving, and we need to be able to make changes as needed. Guidance designed a system that’s perfect for us, and gave us a site that represents the standards of professional care we provide. We appreciate the Guidance team’s expertise, artistry and commitment to quality – they just get it."
After analyzing the center’s web needs and evaluating several platforms, Guidance updated the 911rape.org website using the Drupal Content Management Framework – a convenient software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Guidance has used Drupal to build several of its clients’ websites, including GripsProgram.com, AcneFree.com, UniversityMedical.com, Regenetresse.com and GiveOutLoud.com.
Guidance customized the open source solution to allow Rape Treatment Center team members to post documents and announcements, update content and maintain a rich user experience for site visitors. Guidance also provides hosting and maintenance for 911rape.org; its services are provided pro bono to the Rape Treatment Center.
"The phrase 'information is power' is never more relevant than when educating someone who’s just survived an assault about what they should do next," said Jon Provisor, Guidance co-owner and CTO. "The Rape Treatment Center offers an amazing resource to victims around the country – using the Web to educate, inform and support people in what is likely their most vulnerable moment. We’re honored to support the organization and its work in any way that we can."
911rape.org gives survivors a safe and confidential place to find the information and support they need to begin the healing process. It is an informational service provided by the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center. It provides support for sexual assault victims and a safe, anonymous way to learn how to get help after a sexual assault. It offers up-to-date information and resources to educate the public about rape and sexual assault, survivor stories, special sections for college students and teens, and much more.
About Guidance
Since 1993, Guidance (www.guidance.com) has helped companies seize opportunities and solve problems through the innovative and practical use of technology. Guidance designs, builds and maintains eCommerce websites for retailers that are pure-play online or multi-channel – creating captivating experiences so consumers will buy more, come back often and value greater engagement with the retailer. Guidance's systems facilitate $500 million in online sales every year. Members of the Guidance team are seasoned professionals, passionately committed to providing technical leadership and powering ingenuity. Key clients include Foot Locker, GEARYS Beverly Hills, Relax the Back, Salvation Army, and many others. Partners include: Microsoft, AspDotNetStorefront, Mediachase and Telligent. Guidance is based in Marina del Rey, Calif.
About the Rape Treatment Center
The Rape Treatment Center is nationally recognized for its exemplary treatment, prevention, and education programs and for bringing justice and compassionate care to victims. The RTC’s accomplishments include giving expert, free treatment to over 35,000 rape victims, including 24-hour emergency medical care, forensic services, counseling, advocacy and legal assistance; training police, prosecutors, judges and medical personnel nationwide; providing prevention programs in high schools and middle schools; establishing a national campaign to reduce the incidence of rape on college campuses; and producing award-winning educational films and books. The RTC also created Stuart House, an internationally recognized model facility serving child victims; the Verna Harrah Clinic, a state-of-the-art medical facility providing emergency medical/forensic services for victims; and 911rape.org, the Internet’s most comprehensive information source for victims of rape. The Rape Treatment Center of Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center is located at 1250 Sixteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404, (310) 319-4000.
Media Contact for Guidance
Alejandra Espinosa
Director, PR & Marketing
Phone: (310) 754-3895
Email: press@guidance.com
Press Release PDF: 20080908.pdf